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Our Team

Not sure if you can tell - we're a pretty happy bunch!


Cyndy Phillips

Founder & Creative Director

Pragmatic dreamer with decades of revenue-based marketing experience. 

Builds websites in minutes - can't not burn toast. 

Rick Phillips

Business Automation Expert & Seasoned ISD

Has the uncanny ability to teach anything to anyone. Crafts magic with words.


People actually talk about his beard when he's not around.


Jackie Walling

Content Alchemist 

Could give you a 1000 words on anything. We're making her a content crown.


Will fly anywhere to be with you, to do anything. We stan Jackie.

Tracy Andrews

Illustrator at large

When she's not painting elaborate scenes on windows she's designing custom fonts and logos.

She is an artistic genius who legit owns any medium.

Still watches VHS and listens to tapes on a walkman. We try to make fun of her.

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